
Functional / Integrative Medicine


Functional Medicine does the thorough investigative work necessary to untangle complex modern diseases. Like many traditional medicine systems, F.M. takes a personalized approach to treating an individual human, not just a diagnosis. It seeks to get to the root cause of an issue.

Functional Medicine has emerged more recently (on the timeline of medical history) to address modern illnesses, many of which were rare a few decades ago but have become all too common today (insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances, irritable bowel syndrome, and many more). These syndromes often reflect systemic inflammation, which can result from a combination of environmental toxins, lifestyle demands, nutrient deficiencies, etc. The accumulation and pervasiveness of these modern-day stressors push our bodies beyond their natural capacity.

Functional Medicine blends research-based scientific approaches with traditional tools, including dietary and nutritional support, herbal medicine, and stress management techniques. (For a more detailed description and additional resources, check out the Institute for Functional Medicine)

The Treatment Process

An initial intake with me will involve a lengthy and detailed questionnaire to learn the details of your current condition and your health history. Some questions might seem excessive or irrelevant, but this information serves as the pieces of the puzzle in an integrative medicine diagnosis.

I will review your chart before meeting with you. At your first visit, I will do a thorough interview to get to know you better and fill in any gaps not covered in the questionnaire. You will also have a chance to get to know me and ask me questions. We will start to discuss some first steps you can begin to take immediately to support your health. Working with you (your life, schedule, budget, etc.), I may recommend lifestyle tools, such as sleep hygiene and meditation practices, supportive foods and supplements, herbal medicine, etc.

I will follow up with you periodically, adjusting the treatment plan as appropriate, fine tuning it to meet your needs. Getting to the root of an illness or syndrome can take time. I will partner with you in the process toward your optimal well-being.

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complex and elegant ancient system that includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary therapies, bodywork, Taiqi, Qigong, and more. It is just as relevant and effective in treating today’s modern diseases as it was centuries ago. Chinese medicine focuses on guiding the system toward a state of balance.

Acupuncture uses ultra-fine needles to stimulate points in the body that influence Qi flow. This can be explained in Western terms as influencing hormonal signaling, releasing muscle tension, stimulating fascia, regulating the nervous system, and much more. A treatment generally feels very relaxing—some clients schedule a weekly session as a dedicated period of profound rest). Acupuncture tends to be painless, even for needle-sensitive clients. I practice a gentle approach and happily accommodate sensitive or nervous clients.

Herbal medicine may be suggested as part of your acupuncture treatment as well as other lifestyle modifications (foods, exercises, meditation, etc.).

Herbal Medicine, Dietary, & Lifestyle Consultations


These services are woven into a Functional or Chinese Medicine consultation, but they can have great effect as standalone treatments. We can accomplish a lot in a 30-minute herbal medicine consultation, which will include dietary and lifestyle practices (currently offered online only).

Explore some of the herb and supplement companies I work with:

Five Flavor Herbs, Oakland

Light-touch Bodywork


I love offering the profound tools of light-touch body work. I am trained in craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, Zero Balancing, and other fascinating techniques (in addition to my many years of massage training). I practice hands-on therapies that shift the tissues, fluids, and energy in the body. The light-touch approach to bodywork most resonates with me – it is gentle yet quite profound.



Practice mindful movement from the comfort of your home! I offer online Pilates and yoga lessons (group or private) to help keep your body active and balanced wherever you are. Check out my offerings at Internal Fire Pilates, or contact me directly. (Stay tuned for pre-recorded classes to watch whenever you like.)

I have been teaching yoga for 20 years and Pilates for 10. I am a continuous student of movement and anatomy. I love to accompany and guide students on the path of feeling great in their bodies. The practice of mindful movement is such a central part of my life. I am grateful to be able to share it with others.