
I feel blessed to be able to offer healing through Integrative Medicine to my community. I like to work in partnership with clients in their healthcare process. I use the incredible tools of acupuncture, herbs, light-touch bodywork, nutrition and supplements to support and promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

I completed my training in Chinese Medicine at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, San Francisco in 2012. I more recently completed a training in Functional / Integrative Women’s Health with Aviva Romm, MD.

As a primary care practitioner, I treat the full-spectrum of ailments. I like to follow the tenets of the old country doctor, practicing slow, high-quality medicine attuned to the individual patient. Topics I am especially passionate about are “detoxification,” helping clients clear toxins (products, stress, bad habits, etc.) out of their lives and our planet; connecting with the healing power of nature; and making holistic healthcare accessible to a broad population.

In addition to practicing integrative healthcare, I teach Pilates and yoga and enjoy writing about health. I speak Spanish and am an ongoing student of languages. When not in the clinic, I can be found exploring the impressive nature of the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

- Ilana Murphy M.S., L.Ac.
