Holistic care to support your optimal health.

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Commit to your self-care in order to bring your fullest self to all that you do.



Functional Medicine

A modern approach to wellness that blends the latest tools of Western medicine with traditional practices. F.M. does the deep investigative work necessary to expose the root causes of complex illness.


This ancient practice uses tiny needles to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Effective at treating specific ailments, hard-to-pin down issues, and it offers an overall boost to the system.

Herbal Consultations

Access the healing power of plants to support your system. Useful for extending the benefits of an in-person treatment, or schedule an online consultation and have herbs sent to your home.


Dietary & Lifestyle Guidance

Need a few tips to help shift habits and nudge your body toward optimal health? Let’s work together to develop an achievable plan that suits your needs and lifestyle.


I use gentle hands-on techniques, including craniosacral therapy, to help release stuck energy, promoting freer movement through life.


Practice mindful movement from the comfort of your home! I offer online Pilates and yoga lessons (group or private) to help keep your body active and balanced wherever you are.